How Much Would You Pay for a Year of Happiness?

The Abundance Mindset: Aligning Spirituality With Financial Wellbeing

Buying Happiness at Alasitas: The Festival of Abundance

A Bolivian woman holds her fake money and awaits a blessing during the traditional celebration of “Alasita,” (“go shopping,” in the native language). Thousands participate in the Jan 24th celebration buying miniature objects such as cars, houses, money, etc.

Last year, we delved into the Alasitas Festival in Bolivia, a.k.a the Festival of Miniatures. This month-long celebration which begins each year on January 24, is part of a ritual where residents pay to secure a year of happiness. This buying frenzy mixes ancient traditions and beliefs with modern-day religion and consumerism that have become intrinsic to the culture of Bolivia. See Festival:

This cultural event honors Ekeko, the Aymara god of abundance and attracts people from all over Bolivia, who buy miniature versions of goods they would like for themselves or to gift others. These goods are blessed by any one of the men and (less frequently) women acting as shaman. It is believed that if somebody gives a miniature version, the recipient will get the real object in the course of the following year. Goods include household items, food, computers, construction materials, cell phones, houses, cars, university diplomas and even figures of domestic workers (whom the recipient might hope to employ).

“While I like their sense of focus in planning for their needs, this festival is a perfect example of the belief that they can simply buy happiness, in the hope that the gods will convert their dreams into life-sized reality. Money is a necessity of life, but we should stop focusing exclusively on how to get more money and instead focus on whether we are getting the most happiness out of the money that we already have,” said Rev. Samuel, faithpreneur and motivational speaker.

Listen to: “Can Money Buy Happiness?”


Connecting Body, Mind and Spirit to Create Abundant Life

On our Likkle Byte Ideas Show, we will feature  Rev. Dr. Calvin Samuel, a dynamic motivational speaker. Last year, on LBI he discussed the topic “Can Money Buy Happiness?” This year he will address the question: “Are you spiritually conscious but feeling financially poor?” Many people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together. Tune in to hear Dr. Samuel discuss how we can “Connect Body, Mind and Spirit to Create Abundant Life.”

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Last week, as part of our focus on Financial Wellness Month, we discussed the connection between one’s financial challenges and mental well-being. Clinical psychologist, Jo-Nelle Walsh, discussed how worrying about money can lead to sleep health-related issues. She discussed how the link between money and mental health can be managed and lead to a successful life. Listen:


Aligning Spirituality With Financial Wellbeing

Spirituality is essentially about finding purpose and meaning in life beyond the material realm. It encompasses beliefs, values, and practices that connect us to a higher power or a deeper understanding of existence. Conversely, money represents a tangible tool for meeting our needs and desires, providing comfort and security in the physical world. Money, like anything else in this vast universe, is energy. Many individuals seek a harmonious balance between spiritual fulfillment and financial prosperity, because they recognize that both are essential for a fulfilling life.

Financial success is a means to enable spiritual growth and positively impact the world. Having the financial resources to meet our basic needs and support our families frees us to engage in activities that align with our values and contribute to the greater good. Generosity and giving are integral aspects of spiritual growth. Sharing our financial blessings with others, not only helps those in need, but also brings us a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It connects us to a deeper understanding of compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness with all beings.

However, on the flip side, financial struggles can also impact our spiritual and overall well-being. Constant financial stress and worry can hinder our ability to focus on spiritual growth and development. The psychology of money holds a profound significance, as money embodies energy and intention. If we look at it from this point of view, money is not merely a currency; it is a representation of the energy we invest in it – our beliefs about money, attitudes, and actions surrounding it. Managing money is a spiritual practice. Consciously direct your financial energy toward activities and ventures that uplift not only your life, but the lives of others and the world around you.


We hope that by now you have joined the LIKKLE BY LIKKLE 30-day Challenge to help get your finances on track. This daily calendar has been designed with a range of activities to improve your financial habits. 

Download the calendar and record your daily progress. At the end of the month of January, submit your activity sheet to You will have an opportunity to score points and win exciting prizes.


LIKKLE BYTE IDEAS is a digital show sponsored by SamuelFields Consulting Group (SFCG). It is the brainchild of cohosts, Derede Whitlock (CMO) and Megan Samuel-Fields (CEO). Every show features dynamic guests who discuss financial topics as part of their lifestyle journey, while connecting the importance of financial well-being to their overall health. Viewers walk away with real ideas that can be put to work immediately.

Celebrating MLK’s Financial Dream and Managing Our Money and Mental Health


Replay past episodes and sessions of LIKKLE BYTE IDEAS from our YouTube Channel. Subscribe Today:

The Abundance Mindset: Can Money and Spirituality Go Together?

Why Money is Actually a Spiritual Energy

Can Money Buy Happiness? Exploring the Spiritual Roots of Financial Problems

Help Someone Take Charge of Their Financial Future

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