Celebrating MLK’s Financial Dream

Beat BLUE Monday and Get Your Finances Back to BLACK


Although Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his “I Have A Dream” speech, economics and eliminating poverty were at the forefront of his platform. Teaching financial education is a great way to honor Dr. King’s legacy. He believed that the fastest way to uplift people from poverty is to teach them how to save, budget, and promote healthy spending habits.

A Day of Learning: 5 Financial Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Live modestly. Martin Luther King Jr. was on a spiritual journey and believed that material possessions were not the key to a successful life.

Invest in yourself. Education is directly correlated with one’s success and leads to greater self-awareness, happiness, and higher income levels.

Give generously. Despite struggling financially, Martin Luther King Jr. donated to charity every month.

Persevere. MLK Jr.’s life was filled with many trials but he never gave up. What we can learn from Dr. King is that your mindset is everything.

Build with intention. No one ever reached their goals living frivolously.

Live MLK’s Legacy and Avoid Money Mistakes

In his sermons, MLK taught many important lessons about money. Why not base your New Year’s Resolution on MLK’s legacy of financial wellness? The beginning of the year is the perfect timing to get a fresh financial start, revisit money management decisions and correct some of the mistakes that we often make.


Keep Debt From Turning into Depression

On our Likkle Byte Ideas Show, we will feature clinical psychologist Jo-nelle Walsh. She will focus on the connection between one’s financial challenges and mental well-being. Blue Monday is one phenomenon that might trigger feelings of anxiety and panic. Worrying about money can also lead to sleep problems and other health-related issues. We will discuss how the link between money and mental health can be managed and lead to a successful life. Follow on:





Blue Monday falls on the third Monday in January and this year, it will take place on Monday the 15th. But how is it possible that so much sadness falls on a particular day? This is attributed to a mathematical formula that takes into account factors such as:

This concept was devised by psychologist Cliff Arnal who also associated it with the color blue, a color that is emotionally identified with lack of interest, demotivation, and apathy. However, instead of succumbing to sadness, we can find an inexhaustible source of joy and rejuvenation in managing our mental health, while practicing better money management techniques.


January is Financial Wellness Month and I invite you to join the LIKKLE BY LIKKLE 30-day Challenge

https://youtu.be/I-crUu0mGZ8?feature=shared to help get your finances on track. This daily calendar has been designed with a range of activities to improve your financial habits. 

Download the calendar https://t.ly/gdSmO and record your daily progress. At the end of the month submit your activity sheet to info@samuelfieldsconsulting.com. You will have an opportunity to score points and win exciting prizes.


LIKKLE BYTE IDEAS is a digital show sponsored by SamuelFields Consulting Group (SFCG). It is the brainchild of cohosts, Derede Whitlock (CMO) and Megan Samuel-Fields (CEO). Every show features dynamic guests who discuss financial topics as part of their lifestyle journey, while connecting the importance of financial well-being to their overall health. Viewers walk away with real ideas that can be put to work immediately.


Replay past episodes and sessions of LIKKLE BYTE IDEAS from our YouTube Channel. Subscribe Today: https://youtube.com/@samuelfieldsconsultinggrou7033

5 Financial Lessons From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Blue Monday’s Here: 3 Ways to Keep Debt From Turning into Depression


The 60th Anniversary of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech


Help Someone Take Charge of Their Financial Future

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